By Lou Saboter
In Snohomish County, where Marysville Pilchuck High School is located, John E. Pennington, the "maybe" director of Snohomish Department of Emergency Management, wrote a response to a landslide on March 22 in which he indicated:
He has also been implicated in accusations of internet scrubbing in regards to posts about his having been secretly replaced after the disaster. He has also been accused of using sex parties to get legislators on his side, and has a criminal record (which record perhaps could bear on his future gun ownership if I-594 passes).
Also, a blogger indicates scrubbing on major search engines occurred to cover the change of directors.
Part of this control of conversation appears to involved the Sky Chronicle which called for out and out censorship based on the concept of "hate speech" and even equated free speech with terrorism.
Oh, my! It would seem Washington state is facing Liberalageddon!
Pennington's replacement appears to have been in response to his mishandling of a March 22nd mudslide which left 100 unaccounted for. Mark Murphy replaced him for a time, but then, after Pennington stepped back in, there appeared to have been an effort to thoroughly scrub internet references to this.
This may bear on similar internet scrubbing which appears to have occurred in relation to a SWAT training exercise held at Marysville Pilchuck.
This exercise was even announced on CNN, but appears to have been a misstep where Brooke Baldwin realized she should change the subject.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Who Ran the Drill at Marysville Pilchuck?
(warning: this is a research-intensive article that may continue to grow as it's opened many interesting avenues of inquiry, please check back again)
Apparently, a SWAT training, involving the same Marysville Police Department, had been scheduled at the high school either right before or the day of the Jaylen Fryberg shooting event.
CNN's Brooke Baldwin started to report the SWAT training (it seemed the information was sent to her and then she was ordered to change the subject).

An outfit called Security Solutions International (SSI) had the Marysville Police department listed as one of its clients, according to an internet image from a scrubbed page. The word after Marysville Police Department, Mason, indicates Mason County, Washington or Mason County, Ohio (which has a Marysville in it). However, the Mason (as is shown if you click the "full client list") is connected only because it comes after Marysville alphabetically. So, it could very well be that Marysville of Snohomish County, Washington is the client, and SSI does SWAT training (re-engineered to be counterterrorism training, and perhaps more).
The "Full Client List" is cached here.
Locals here in Lee County, Florida may be interested to know that these entities also had members who received SSI training:
Lee County EMS |
Lee County Sheriff's Office |
Lee County Vocational Tech High School |
However, I haven't verified if it is our Lee County specified. There is a Lee County in Georgia, for instance. Also note, this is not to say that acts of covert violence are planned at these facilities. I am merely noting connections, not predicting or claiming to know the full scope or purposes of the operations indicated.
The American face of SSI is based in Miami, at 13155 SW 134th St. st. 103, 33916 in America. It may be connected with another based in Spain.They seem to perform some of the same functions. Their main website is here.
Since one of their services is the training of first responders, it's quite likely they are well-versed in carrying out simulations and employing crisis actors. Their website notes: "From SWAT/ Explosives mitigation to Sniper and from Building Safety to Responding to Incidents of Mass Casualties, all our training programs are the result of lessons learned in the field. That’s why SSI™ is considered the expert source for your training needs."
Security Solutions Internation is headed by Henry Morgenstern and Solomon Bradman. Here is a video with Morgenstern.
According to the Institute for Policy Studies, SSI is funded by the Department of Homeland Security and brings trainees to Israel. They also point out that Bradman wrote in 2006 that SWAT teams should be converted to counterterrorist (CT) squads.
Also of interest is Homeland Security Network, the information source for first responders, which is tied in with SSI, by their website's admission.
SSI's connection with the Department of Homeland Security brings us to a document which illustrates that the area where Marysville Pilchuck is is called Homeland Security Region 1.
You will note that Snohomish County, where we find Marysville, reports to the Snohomish County Department of Emergency Management (a piece of FEMA). The DHS is officially considered a parent agency of FEMA, although some hold it is the other way around. The need for emergency management assistance teams (EMAT) and Incident Management Teams (IMT) were spelled out by John E Pennington, current director. These are part of a statewide network for emergency responses. A directive (ESF-20) calls for ESF-20 Defense Support to Civilian Authorities (DCSA) which directive is elsewhere titled Military Support for Civilian Authorities.
Another element of Pennington's report which may interest conspiracy theorists (or "event skeptics as they increasingly prefer to be labelled) is: 7) We faced the attention and scrutiny of the media and the onslaught of public information demands. CNN, Al Jazeera, POTUS, Social Media needs.
i. You can best understand the heightened media component of your incident when you feel your safest and most effective national interview is to Al Jazeera and not to traditional outlets including CNN and FOX News.
ii. We faced the dire need to control the tempo, tone and tenor of social media as much as was practicable.
Le wow.
A blogger reported that John E. Pennington and a band of conspirators may have already done some tampering with online conversations in regards to Anne Block, AND that there is a SECRET director of Snohomish County Department of Emergency Management!!
Le whut?
OK, let's recap--Who Ran the Drill at Marysville Pilchuck?
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Don't worry, it gets better! |
FEMA's website gives a display of Marysville related activities.
Oh, and guess who has a criminal record? Not the guy directed to run the Snohomish County Department of Emergy Management!? He was appointed by County Executive Aaron Reardon in 2006.
It is possible there were actual victims at this event, in which case some employees of the school might have been plants. If Fryberg was a brainwashing victim, Megan Silberberger could have been there to make sure he died on the scene, or to extract him. She was a new teacher, who has been lauded as a hero(ine), but has been very reticent thus far. Some reports indicated she had shot Jaylen Fryberg, while others indicated he shot himself in the process of wrestling with her. This is her soccer profile page.
A witness, student Erick Cervantes said she grabbed his arm and Fryberg shot himself in the neck. However, the witness seemed uncertain about what they actually saw.
Or maybe the announcement of a SWAT training drill that was then scrubbed from the internet is a big coincidence. In which case, hurray for the Bilderberg Group which is funding the gun control ballot item, I-594.
Interestingly, Rawstory ran a piece attempting to discredit the SWAT training leak, claiming that you could find a full page explaining what really happened, but offering no link to such page, so just trust them. Here is where the link in question was.
People who look for repeating crisis actors noted the resemblance of one upset girl at the scene to a girl at other scenes of school shootings
Interestingly or not, there is a graduate of the Marysville Pilchuck High School, Kyle Kruse, who is now an independent operator working with many covert operations, from the looks of it. Here is his profile. Interestingly, he wrote: " My work history has brought me across the world from, Iraq, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Europe, and many States such as Louisiana during hurricane Katrina and others."
He did work with Blackwater USA, implicated as an army of the night by one source.
One interesting link is that Kyle Kruse also attended American Military University which is recommended by none other than John E Pennington of Snohomish Department of Emergency Management mentioned above.
Oh my, the coincidences are flying thick in here. Get me the bat broom.
Kyle Kruse cites Tk Smith as a great leader. One of Smith's specialties is "Worldwide law enforcement."
Plus, TK Smith is good at Microsoft Office.
The Usual Suspects: the Elitist Forces Behind Gun Control in Washington State
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Dr. Matt Barreto |
By Lou Saboter
A gun control measure is being cynically peddled by Dr. Matt Barreto as a reasonable response to the Marysville Pilchuck shooting despite the fact that it would do nothing to prevent another such incident. Two gun control initiatives are on the ballot in Washington state, I-591 and I-594. The first, I-591, would stop any new background checks. I-594 would require new background checks including at gun shows, online, and only excluding family gifts and antique sales. It would also deny gun ownership to felons, including those who had been found guilty of assault due to drunk driving.
At around 10:39 pm on October 24, 2014, Jaylen Fryberg supposedly stood up in a cafeteria at Marysville Pilchuck High School and gunned down several students before turning the weapon on himself. Within hours of the Marysville Pilchuck shooting, a Huffpost article appeared noting it would affect the vote of gun control measures in Washington.
On October 28, the Seattle PI noted a poll was being conducted for KCTS-9 primarily by two University of Washington investigators: Matt Barreto and Christopher Parker. In the article, Matt Barreto noted:
“The spate of unconscionable school shootings across the country, and now here in Marysville, has left voters ready to take responsible action on gun issues,” Barreto said. “We saw the same thing in 2012-2013 following the Newtown killings. There was widespread public support for background checks, however, the U.S. Congress failed to get anything done.”
Barreto's statement shows heavy bias and has little to do with any measurable reality. This statement links gun control directly to school shootings, despite the fact that the gun control measure, I-594, would have done absolutely nothing to prevent the shooting which occurred at Marysville Pilchuck. Fryberg did not purchase the gun, nor was he a felon or mentally unstable. Similarly, a gun control bill such as this, if passed in Connecticut previous to the Newtown event, would not have prevented that situation as it was reported.
How is it that a professor completely lacks logic? Why would an educated man push an irrational emotional response as a rationale?
What is also ignored is that mass shootings have not been on the increase, and account for less than 100 deaths a year. Also, violent crime is decreasing nationwide. So, why this push for background checks? Could it be about the power of the elite? Is that why Bill Gates, his cronies at Microsoft, and the Bloomberg Group, have invested millions to push this bill.
Bill Gates and former Mayor Bloomberg have taken to meeting, along with Jeb Bush, Warren Buffett and Oprah at a private gated island: Kiawah, South Carolina. The May 13, 2013 meeting was hosted by Bill Gates who is an advocate of eugenics, which is the control of population through various means including abortion, sterilization, and, in Gates own words, vaccination. A goal of these groups have no been believed to be the formation of a one world government, and the disarmament of citizens in order to facilitate a transition to one world government is a possible motivation here.
Another interesting thing about Matt Barreto is that, while he here apparently supports IDing those who would purchase guns, he is simultaneously opposed to voter ID laws on the grounds that it could disproportionately affect Latinos, whom he lumps together with other minority groups. What he neglects to add is that there are many Latinos who are not American citizens, and they are enabled to vote by a lack of voter ID laws.
All of which begs the question: were the people Barreto polled American citizens?
If Barreto is OK with the IDing of those practicing their 2nd Amendment rights, why shouldn't we ID those who practice their right to vote?
Are we going to allow foreigners to vote away our 2nd Amendment rights?
background checks,
Bill Gates,
gun control,
gun shows,
Matt Barreto,
Monday, October 27, 2014
First They Came for the Nazis: The Illegalizing of Dissent
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On August 20, 2014, English citizens were warned that merely watching an ISIS beheading video could be considered a terrorist offense. Foley's sister, Kelly Foley, tweeted On September 24. 2014 urging people not to watch the video. Twitter's chief executive Dick Costolo said he'd suspend accounts that displayed the video.
David Cameron made a startling speech in which he named 911 truthers and 7/7 truthers as being on the same level of terrorists, along with calling videos of the ISIS beheadings "illegal." On October 14th, a copy of one such video I had posted was banned by Youtube (Google).
On October 20, 2014, back in England, a Nazi sympathizer described as "immature" and a "loner" plead guilty to tweeting. Garron Helm tweeted Jewish Labour MP Luciana Berger on August 7: "You can always trust a Jew to show their true colors eventually." It included a picture of Luciana Berger with a Jewish star on her forehead and referred to her as a "Communist Jewess." For this action, Garron Helm had his apartment ransacked by police, who found Nazi paraphernalia. Helm was sentenced to 4 weeks in prison despite having written an apology letter to Berger.
It's quite possible that Helm could suffer from a mental illness. Hilariously, Luciana Berger has made comments in defense of the mentally ill.
Apparently, she's OK with the standard of locking these people up if they tweet the wrong thing. And I wonder if she'd be OK with it if you lived in the United States as well. Youtube probably is. The posting of the James Foley video was treated the same everywhere.
Berger was voted as Most Fanciable MP in the Commons. Luciana Berger's rise to power may have been helped by her former romance with Tony Blair's son and currently with Chuka Umunna, known as “Britain’s Obama”.
Other signs that the United States could be instituting laws against speech are the hate speech bills that have been floated into congress, and the FBI Director James Comey's warning that Apple's and Google's encryption of smartphones was an attempt to market to people "who hold themselves beyond the law." Of course, the law is, according to the IV Amendment:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Of course, the Constitution appears to have been declared null and void, as was remarked upon in the New York Times regarding Obama's declaration of war against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.
Mr. Bush gained explicit congressional consent for his invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. In contrast, the Obama administration has not even published a legal opinion attempting to justify the president’s assertion of unilateral war-making authority. This is because no serious opinion can be written. --
7/7 truthers,
911 truthers,
David Cameron,
New World Order,
nonviolent extremist,
Salvaged Article "CIA says Tenet did meet with Bush in August 2001"
This is posted because it is a "disappeared" article that was found in Google Cache, in the interest of preserving it.
CIA says Tenet did meet with Bush in August 2001
Apr 15, 2004
WASHINGTON, April 15 (AFP) The CIA today said that its director, George Tenet, personally briefed President George W. Bush in August 2001, countering a statement Tenet made to the commission investigating the September 11 attacks.
"We looked at his schedule," a CIA spokeswoman told AFP. "Mr. Tenet did fly down to Texas and briefed the president on August 17." He also briefed Bush on August 31 in Washington, she added.
Tenet briefed Bush at least six times in the first eight days of September 2001, as well, the spokeswoman said.
And "the whole time that President Bush was in Texas," vacationing on his ranch, he had a senior CIA analyst with him and received a daily report from the CIA, she said.
Tenet yesterday told the commission he did not meet with Bush in August 2001.
"I didn't see the president. I was not in briefings with him during this time. He was on vacation; I was here" in Washington, he said.
"In this time period, I'm not talking to him," Tenet added, noting that they had not even spoken by phone at the time.
The month before the attacks has come under particular scrutiny after the inquiry discovered that Bush received a briefing on August 6, 2001 about al-Qaeda activities in the United States.
FILED ON: Apr 15, 2004 20:47 IST
9/11 Commission,
George Tenet,
President George W. Bush
Satanist Attacks Ten Commandments Monument at Oklahoma State Capitol
A self-proclaimed Satanist claimed that he was informed by the dark lord to attack the 10 Commandments monument at the Oklahoma State Capitol. This means the monument lasted two years, after responses to it ranged from ACLU claiming it was a violation of separation of church and state, and a Satanist group of the Satanic Temple demanded equal opportunity and wanted to erect their own monument.
Lucien Greaves, of The Satanic Temple, says her group raised $20,000 to have this statue commissioned by an unknown artist. But, predictably, it was rejected by the Oklahoma legislature.
Another Satanic group had planned a Black Mass in response, which lead to issues with the Governor when she mixed up Satanists.
Soon enough, on August 15th, it was announced a movie about the Baphomet statue was in the works.
After the incident, an ACLU spokesperson for Oklahoma said he was
outraged over the incident.
"While we have and continue to seek the removal of the Ten Commandments
monument from the Capitol grounds through the judicial process, the Ten
Commandments constitute a strong foundation in our clients’ deeply held
religious beliefs. To see the Ten Commandments desecrated by vandals is
highly offensive to them as people of faith. Our Oklahoma and Federal
Constitutions seek to create a society in which people of all faiths and
those of no faith at all can coexist as equals without fear of
repressions from the government or their neighbors. Whether it is
politicians using religion as a political tool or vandals desecrating
religious symbols, neither are living up to the full promise of our
founding documents.” – Ryan Kiesel, ACLU of Oklahoma Executive
The accused Satanist apparently admitted to the monumental assault after "rambling," and insulting Obama. Apparently, he urinated on the monument first, before running into it with his car. He was deemed mentally suspect and placed in the care of a facility.He had abandoned the car at the scene, and had to drive up a ramp of the capitol's steps to smash the Christian marker.
State representative Mike Ritze, whose family spent $10,000 to have the statue erected, has sworn to replace it.
According to an early report, the perp is bipolar and has been off his medication.
The Satanic Temple, for their part, issued this statement:
10 Commandments Monument,
Oklahoma State Capitol,
Satanic Temple,
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Ottawa Shooting: False Flag Theories Arise
Scattered about London there were just three other buildings of similar appearance and size. So completely did they dwarf the surrounding architecture that from the roof of Victory Mansions you could see all four of them simultaneously. They were the homes of the four Ministries between which the entire apparatus of government was divided. - 1984, George Orwell
By Lou Saboter
Some found it odd that there were so many cameramen positioned inside when the Canada's National War Memorial in Ottawa erupted with gunfire around 10:00 am on Wednesday.
Some claim this is evidence of a false flag. It is also odd that the cameramen seem to leave themselves calmly wide open. However, there may be cameramen who cover everything that occurs there. Perhaps they are trained to be calm, expecting such incidents to happen on a regular basis and immune to fear. Or some may have had previous training in intense situations.
A more plausible scenario for a false flag would be that CSIS did an operation akin to that which the FBI was caught at in the United States, where people were encouraged into acts of terrorism to entrap them. However, in this case, perhaps the point was to encourage rather than entrap. The problem with that theory would be that politicians were actually on hand, reportedly.
Other theories are that the participants are all "in on it," being crisis actors, such as are used in simulations that are supposed to be preparations for actual terrorist episodes.
At Sandy Hook, many believed that crisis actors were used to create the illusion of an event that was intended to affect gun control legislation. This video showed a "witness" who appeared to be practicing his part.
One motivation for a false flag offered was the CSIS bill. CSIS is the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. This bill would allow greater latitude in pursuing anti-terrorism measures, including aggressive interrogations of suspect's family members. Papers are already noting this possibility. CSIS is the Canadian version of the FBI.
Another reason for the incident offered by the Guardian was that the gunman, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, had had his passport seized and decided to fight city hall.
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CSIS HQ in Ottawa |
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GCHQ Government Communication Headquarters, Great Britain |
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NSA Data Center, Utah |
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CSEC Building: Most Expensive in Canadian History |
false flag,
Ottawa shooting,
police state
Friday, October 24, 2014
Jaylen Fryberg Case Oddly Synchronous with Gun Legislation
By Lou Saboter
Jaylen Fryberg was, by reports, a popular, happy student, although you could get a different impression from his Twitter account.
CNN reported Fryberg seemed "calm" and had a "blank stare" throughout.
Some good research here...Mandama004 makes the point that the Marysville Pilchuck shooting appears to be receiving inordinate coverage, as if it is to push gun control.She points out other violent incidents that occurred friday were backgrounded because they wouldn't have impact on pending legislation in the states they occurred in. She also pointed out that there was SWAT training had been planned and was scrapped from the internet. In other events that have been politicized in the past, such as 9/11, the 7/7 London bombing, and the Boston bombing, there were drills occurring at the same time.
Fryberg's Twitter account is rife with sometimes angry, sometimes sad, and vengeful statements.
A video released featured an adjunct professor of psychology at California State University, Wendy Walsh, who seemed quite content to think that Jaylen Fryberg's frustration with his relationship perfectly explained his breakdown. And she noted that citizens need to police each other more, pointing out gun owners are automatically suspect. Clint Van Zandt, a former FBI profiler and news analyst, chimed in, also concluding that there was more need for students and school officials to police the behavior of others, especially if they own guns. Oddly, the student interviewed at the beginning of the video had the opposite impression. Jaylen Fryberg had just become homecoming prince, and didn't fit the profile of a loner that is usually the factory which produces the lone shooter. Apparently, people need to pay way more attention to Twitter, where the evil comes out.
Also, it's getting really hard to distinguish media from police.
Wendy Walsh also mentioned Fryberg wasn't missing the "social chip" that other lone gunman seemed to lack.
She does make a good point about a 14 year being hyper-sexed. What is behind this, if anything?
Pic from Jaylen Fryberg's Instagram. This was a hunting gun, not used in the incident.
Conspiracy theories can be anticipated with school shootings, not to confirm or deny such possibilities. Conspiracy theories surrounding school shootings go back at least to Bill Cooper. Here is an excerpt from his book Behold, A Pale Horse. One could argue that part of the reason they can be anticipated is because of the suspect nature of many school shootings, which seem to fall into patterns involving cover ups, intimidation of investigators, synchronization with gun control legislation, and mainstream media emphasis.
It has been often noted that many school shooting follow similar patterns, often involving a young person with issues who goes on a spree and then ends his life. Due to the nature of tragedy, it is easy to turn the public on anyone who investigates a tragedy as someone lacking in sensitivity. This shootings could be seen to coincide all too neatly with an upcoming vote of gun control laws.
Fryberg is a member of the Tulalip Tribe, which donated millions to the school district in 2011. Jaylen Fryberg was listed among attendees at the award presentation. He said: "We get a lot of money for our schools."
The Tulalip tribe donates heavily to the school district. A listing of Tulalip donations is here.
The chairman of the Tulalip chair posted a letter of condolence at their website. Here, you can also learn that the tribe's name is pronounced tuh'lay'lup.
The shooting, which ended with Jaylen Fryberg's suicide, and took at least one other life so far, has already been touted as a motivator in voting on gun control laws. However, crime rates are decreasing.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Gang Stalking 101
Thomas Marshall is an activist who did a great deal of research on targeted individuals. This video serves as a primer on the tactics, motivations, and effects of the attacks perpetrated. This is what is sometimes called silent kill, where the victim is broken down and driven to suicide in a situation where accountability can be denied.
He has a youtube channel with much more information here.
This page cites some published evidence of these technologies.
Jesse Ventura also confirmed the targeted individuals program on his show Conspiracy Theory.
Thousands of people claim to have been victimized by secret government-sponsored harassment programs.
This was a BBC report on mind control technologies.
This video show how people are manipulated into joining in on stalking activities.
Mainstream media stories on gang stalking involving probably psychotronic weaponry.
The Consequence of Sounds, Regina Spektor
Dissent is necessary for a healthy democracy.
He has a youtube channel with much more information here.
This page cites some published evidence of these technologies.
Jesse Ventura also confirmed the targeted individuals program on his show Conspiracy Theory.
Thousands of people claim to have been victimized by secret government-sponsored harassment programs.
This was a BBC report on mind control technologies.
This video show how people are manipulated into joining in on stalking activities.
Mainstream media stories on gang stalking involving probably psychotronic weaponry.
The Consequence of Sounds, Regina Spektor
Dissent is necessary for a healthy democracy.
Psi Tech -- Psychics or Electromagnetic Torturers?
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website |
Welcome to the desert of the real.
Above is the header for a page of the Psi Tech Corporation. It was supposedly founded in 1989 by a 4 star general who took a military technology into the private realm. They claim to have the ability to perform remote viewing, something I remember only from an old documentary about Soviet era psychics testing. Supposedly, it is an ability that can be harnessed whereby action at a distance can be witnessed. The Soviet psychics supposedly were able to glean military secrets from the United States with these techniques, and peer into secret bases.
Also, you may have noticed a little something Illuminati going on up top.
But are the claims purposely stretched here to disguise the true nature of their operations?
Under the heading of technology, it is claimed their system allows the viewers to go "independent of time," that is, to see into the future. For instance, they knew I'd write that I doubt it. Below this, it reads:
The breakthrough discovery made at Stanford Research Institute was that accessing this vast data-bank of information was a trainable skill and by using specific rigid protocols information could be downloaded from the Matrix on demand. Highly trained "viewers" operate these protocols in the blind, meaning they have no pre-knowledge about the target. All they receive is a set of 8 numbers which are coordinated with the target."
Downloaded from the Matrix on demand...I see.
Clearly, we are left mystified. According to a 1999 article by Edward Schneider, the company has been contracted by the military to use their psychic powers (which anyone could learn from training videos) to figure out the location of Iraq's WMDs in 1991 (before they were even called WMDs). Lieutenant Colonel Timothy L. Thomas wrote a paper in 1988 called The Mind has no Firewall in which he emphasized the need to protect soldiers from electromagnetic attacks of their minds. He wrote:
An entirely new arsenal of weapons, based on devices designed to introduce subliminal messages or to alter the body's psychological and data-processing capabilities, might be used to incapacitate individuals. These weapons aim to control or alter the psyche, or to attack the various sensory and data-processing systems of the human organism. In both cases, the goal is to confuse or destroy the signals that normally keep the body in equilibrium.
But, to stretch credulity right after stomping on it, could PSI Tech actually be doing something akin to telepathy? Except only with the power of so-called psychotronic technologies?
According to documentary film maker Marshall Gregory Thomas's series on targeted individuals, or TI's, there are technologies that exist allowing for the controlling and degradation of psyches in the form of microwave and other electromagnetic weapons. He mentions the Psi Tech corporation as being one of the holder's of the "more subtle patents to manipulate human emotion and behavior in the unaware subject." The others mentioned are Monroe and Robert Malech, the Psi tech Corporation. Apparently, the patent the Psi Tech corporation got was an apparatus that allowed the implantation of subliminal messages into electromagnetic waves that could be use to manipulate test subjects.
Thomas suggested 7 reforms on his blog to restore civil right. Another page he refers to is here.
Here's a link to published evidence of mind control technologies. And here's a maker of beam weapons.
Robert Duncan: Whistleblower
More recently, Dr. Robert Duncan, who was featured as a whistleblower in Jesse Ventura's "Brain Invaders," said that the government was torturing individuals with psychotronics. The point appears to be sometimes to wreck the lives of dissidents, while leaving no fingerprints, and sometimes just to experiment. In other cases, Duncan says the point is to gather intelligence, or to help create a database of mind, or hive mind, with which to further control the human species. He also stated that minds can be read, or hacked into. He even says that your passwords can be stolen from your mind by the government.
CNN did a special on RF weapons back in 1985. But we hear little about these weapons or their applications in the mainstream media these days.
Interestingly, in a piece written by Duncan, he makes many references to the film, The Matrix. This lead me to wonder if he is referring to the same Matrix that is referred to on the Psi Tech website. I also wondered if perhaps he worked for Psi Tech, but he hasn't responded to a message I've sent to him yet. Duncan also indicates that the notion of psychics being used by the government was perhaps a front to cover up the true nature of operations (as well as things like the Illuminati).
Others feel that Duncan is actually covering for the Illuminati, and black magic is the true culprit. Michael Aquino, of the Church of Satan and the NSA, wrote a paper called Mind War which inspired the targeting of individuals, and perhaps the construction of HAARP, ELF towers, and media manipulation.
Technology and Satan: perfect together.
Thousands of Americans claim they are targeted individuals, and they have an advocacy group: Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance (FFCHS). Duncan states that every American may already be, or will in the future be, subject to some form of long distance electronic harassment or psychic telepathy. There will, in fact, be a covert harassment conference next month in Brussels.
According to Marshall Gregory Thomas' films, the protocol being used on dissidents through these practices in America today is nearly identical to what was employed in the Soviet Union. Dissidents are discredited, gang stalked, made to look insane, and finally either force medicated, locked up in jail after being edged on to commit an assault, or put away in mental hospitals where their discrediting is permanent. Except today, the technologies have far outstripped what existed in the Soviet Union, making their use possibly the greatest threat to freedom the world has ever known.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Salvaged MIT Tinfoil Hat Experiment, Mind Control Links
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"Government" |
Perhaps it's not surprising that a government which records everything bit of conversation would be interested in the contents of your mind, and even in changing said contents or deleting them.
MK Ultra, a supposedly abandoned project, was interested in just such a thing.The Monarch Program is explored here.
In 2002, NASA offered to read the minds of "potential terrorists" (i.e. everyone) at airports using technologies that were only in developmental phases, according to them.
However, that brief period of openness in discussing invading the brain of citizens has ended, along with the enthusiasm for most of the police state programs put into place since. Now, one hears about such things only from ignored, discredited, or soon to be dead whistleblowers and victims and such.
Psi Tech owns some of the patents, and bills the technology as "remote viewing."
Topics of mind control and beam weapons are further explored here.
And here.
On the Effectiveness of Aluminium Foil Helmets:
An Empirical Study
Ali Rahimi1, Ben Recht 2, Jason Taylor 2, Noah Vawter 217 Feb 2005
1: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department, MIT.
2: Media Laboratory, MIT.
Among a fringe community of paranoids, aluminum helmets serve as the protective measure of choice against invasive radio signals. We investigate the efficacy of three aluminum helmet designs on a sample group of four individuals. Using a $250,000 network analyser, we find that although on average all helmets attenuate invasive radio frequencies in either directions (either emanating from an outside source, or emanating from the cranium of the subject), certain frequencies are in fact greatly amplified. These amplified frequencies coincide with radio bands reserved for government use according to the Federal Communication Commission (FCC). Statistical evidence suggests the use of helmets may in fact enhance the government's invasive abilities. We speculate that the government may in fact have started the helmet craze for this reason.Introduction
It has long been suspected that the government has been using satellites to read and control the minds of certain citizens. The use of aluminum helmets has been a common guerrilla tactic against the government's invasive tactics [1]. Surprisingly, these helmets can in fact help the government spy on citizens by amplifying certain key frequency ranges reserved for government use. In addition, none of the three helmets we analyzed provided significant attenuation to most frequency bands. We describe our experimental setup, report our results, and conclude with a few design guidelines for constructing more effective helmets.Experimental Setup
The Classical | The Fez |
The Centurion |
A radio-frequency test signal sweeping the ranges from 10 Khz to 3 Ghz was generated using an omnidirectional antenna attached to the Agilent 8714ET's signal generator.
Because of the cost of the equipment (about $250,000), and the limited time for which we had access to these devices, the subjects and experimenters performed a few dry runs before the actual experiment (see Figure 3).
For all helmets, we noticed a 30 db amplification at 2.6 Ghz and a 20 db amplification at 1.2 Ghz, regardless of the position of the antenna on the cranium. In addition, all helmets exhibited a marked 20 db attenuation at around 1.5 Ghz, with no significant attenuation beyond 10 db anywhere else.Conclusion
The helmets amplify frequency bands that coincide with those allocated to the US government between 1.2 Ghz and 1.4 Ghz. According to the FCC, These bands are supposedly reserved for ''radio location'' (ie, GPS), and other communications with satellites (see, for example, [3]). The 2.6 Ghz band coincides with mobile phone technology. Though not affiliated by government, these bands are at the hands of multinational corporations. It requires no stretch of the imagination to conclude that the current helmet craze is likely to have been propagated by the Government, possibly with the involvement of the FCC. We hope this report will encourage the paranoid community to develop improved helmet designs to avoid falling prey to these shortcomings.Acknowledgments
The authors would like to thank Andy (Xu) Sun of the MIT Media Lab for helping with the equipment, Professor George Sergiadis for lending us the antennae, and Professor Neil Gershenfeld for allowing us the use of his lab equipment. (Please direct any queries to the authors, NOT these folks) There's also an informative video (youtube version) courtesy of Discovery Channel's Daily Planet.
beam weapons,
microwave attacks,
mind control satellites,
MK Ultra,
tinfoil hat
DIY Cell Phone Jammer, Other Beam Weapon Creations
(disclaimer: just for entertainment purposes)
Back in June, the FCC charged a record fine against a Chinese maker of cell phone jammers. Unlike in many other instances of record fines against an industry, such as the fine against BP for manslaughter charges, C.T.S. Technology Co. Ltd of Shenzhen, China, probably won't be invited to immediately go about business as usual afterward. This is because, clearly, cell phone jamming is a much greater danger to the public than the Deepwater Horizon oil spill was.
A poster shows that the FCC is against cell phone signal jamming ever in any situation, including on the private property of an individual, or inside a public institution. The FCC poster explains: Use of jamming devices can place you or other people in danger. For
instance, jammers can prevent 9-1-1 and other emergency calls from getting through or interfere with
law enforcement communications (ambulance, fire, police, etc).
Also, if you say something against the government, they can't hear it, and we can't have that. Where it says etc above, that means CIA, FBI, NSA, by the way.
Telecom tyranny must be defended at all costs.
This webpage shows how a cell phone jammer can be made.
Other items which help with signal jamming are negative ion generators, ELF scramblers(20,000 Hz to 1/3 of a Hertz), emp jammers, and Faraday cages using ceramic, Teflon, rubber, mu-metal and other materials.
This link shows how to make an EMP.
According to a source, sleeping on boxsprings increases your irradiation.
And tinfoil hats just turn your head into an antenna.
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