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This was possibly cars being stored by Kia, but UN Trucks have been seen elsewhere |
By Lou Saboter (originally posted at freethoughtpolice.com on August 1, 2014)
For a while now I’ve been wondering about reports of UN trucks being seen here and there around the country. There was an older report of a Google Earth spotting of about 4000 white vehicles that could have been UN trucks, and there has been speculation as to whether there is a connection to reports of FEMA (or CDC) coffins, camps, and DHS purchases of massive numbers of bullets. Furthermore, reports of problems at the Mexico border and an influx of diseased aliens raised the curiosity of, well, the curious.
So, this seemed worth posting…
[SOURCES sometimes unclear at Present, found at
Alfred Lambremont Webre III.
]EBOLA FALSE FLAG/HOAX UPDATE From a friend {Everything you wanted to know and more…]
“In 1918, it wasn’t flu that killed 20-50 million people. It was the Cabal, first with vaccines and then with aspirin (see links below).”
Ebola USA?
Why has the US military distributed
Ebola detection kits to National
Guard in all 50 states?
A short review of what is known.
The Long Planned Ebola HOAX
by Will Knott
One starts with the inflated Ebola numbers in Africa, the involvement of Soros and Gates in a bioweapons lab linked to the deaths, the curious involvement of Tulane University infamous for weaponizing the polio vaccine, and the story begins ….
Right now the US media and the false alternative media (Infowars and Natural News being two) are reading from a script, inventing a story out of whole cloth that Ebola has spread across the entire US. It’s a total lie.
Why is this happening? Because the Western elite – the Cabal, the Illuminati, or whatever name one wishes to apply to the corporate Shadow Government running the US and much of the world – are following their own script planned years ago. It includes destroying the economy of the US, creating a devastating drought with HAARP, stirring up as much hatred and dissension as possible between American citizens and a fictitious pandemic. Through those things, the elite intend a complete take over of the US. A “pandemic emergency” alone hands it to them on a platter.
“Under special pandemic plans enacted around the world including the USA, in 2005, national governments are to be dissolved in the event of a pandemic emergency and replaced by special crisis committees, which take charge of the health and security infrastructure of a country, and which are answerable to the WHO and EU in Europe and to the WHO and UN in North America.
Some background on the Bushes and these pandemic laws and orders.
It’s well known that George W. Bush pushed through the Patriot Act immediately following the false flag of 9/11, a law that had been written long in advance and resembled Hitler’s Enabling Act http://www.customscorruption.com/hitler.htmpushed through in Germany immediately following the false flag of fhe Reichstag fire. What is less known is the Bush got pandemic laws inserted in states across the country starting at the same time and following on the false flag of the anthrax attack that was proved to have come out of Fort Detrick, a military bioweapons center. These laws are thinly disguised martial law, allowing for a fascist take over of all communications, all transportation, all industry, all infrastructure, all farms and food, all private property, etc. in the US under a Pandemic Emergency.
George Bush’s executive orders call for a suspension of the Constitution in the event of a number of things that have been helped along by the elite – a collapsed economy, civil unrest, environmental disaster, and a pandemic emergency. If these are declared an emergency, the President would rule via FEMA and DHS, with Congress and the Supreme Court reduced to only an advisory function. As mentioned above, a pandemic emergency triggers the WHO and UN coming in to take over. Both the UN and the WHO are both run by the elite, including the Rockefellers who funded IG Farben, the German pharmaceutical industry that ran the Nazi concentration and death camps and experimented on prisoners there with deadly vaccines. UN armored vehicles can be seen in this video http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/blog/?p=22711 taken on June 15th in Georgia.
“The Bush family fortune came from the Third Reich,” -Sarasota Herald-Tribune 11/11/2000 http://www.newscoast.com/headlinesstory2.cfm?ID=35115 George Bush’s grandfather Prescott was actually a German Nazi named Scherf who attempted a fascist coup of the US in 1933, and Bush himself came into office illegally. His Nazi family is still seeking a fascist take over of the country.
To be clear, the US at this moment is facing a literal Nazi invasion of global military power under the UN and WHO, disguised as medical aid for a fictitious threat This aid will be said to protect this country from Ebola deaths. But the “Ebola” deaths are related to a US bioweapons lab in Sierra Leone with links to the Soros and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, around which there have been mass protests.
The convenient thing about Bush’s “pandemic emergency” is that it can be declared on a whim with no evidence needed, and can be defined as existing in an area without the presence of any disease whatever being present.
Natural News, now suspected as an agent of the elite, has declared that Ebola has spread across the country and is now out of control. (Strange how everyone is fine.) Quarantine centers are being quietly set up, the news announces. These are FEMA camps, denied by mainstream media and come out from under wraps now, built across the country by Bush. They are indistinguishable from concentration camps.
From “Rule by Real or Rule by Law.” http://www.sfgate.com/opinion/article/Rule-by-fear-or-rule-by-law-3229509.php
“The power of the Executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any charge known to the law, and particularly to deny him the judgment of his peers, is in the highest degree odious and is the foundation of all totalitarian government whether Nazi or Communist.”
- Winston Churchill, Nov. 21, 1943
Since 9/11, and seemingly without the notice of most Americans, the federal government has assumed the authority to institute martial law, arrest a wide swath of dissidents (citizen and noncitizen alike), and detain people without legal or constitutional recourse in the event of “an emergency influx of immigrants in the U.S., or to support the rapid development of new programs.”
Beginning in 1999, the government has entered into a series of single-bid contracts with Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR) to build detention camps at undisclosed locations within the United States. The government has also contracted with several companies to build thousands of railcars, some reportedly equipped with shackles, ostensibly to transport detainees.
The WHO – working for the Cabal and a key part of the fear script – has announced that fatality rates for Ebola can reach 90% and there is no vaccine or cure but vitamin C at sufficient doses is an absolute viricide and a powerful antibiotic.
There are thus far only a few facts about Ebola itself that are verifiable, the rest being media announcements that omit those facts. 1) Ebola is linked to bioweapons labs in Africa rather than natural and the people near them are protesting. 2. The US government has weaponized vaccines before (anthrax vaccines and the polio vaccines coming out of Tulane University.
3. Tulane in conjunction with US military is, coincidentally, has been involved with Ebola in Sierra Leone but just been stopped from testing by the government.
“In a sign that the Sierra Leone goverment has begun to fight back against the orchestrated ebola outbreak, The Ministry of Health and Sanitation announced yesterday it had ordered Tulane University to stop ebola testing and the US bioweapons laboratory at Kenema to be relocated in response to growing anger from locals.
The sensational announcement — posted on the health ministry’s facebook page — strongly suggests the notion that the diagnosis of Ebola using Tulane University kits at Kenema have been found to be false or faked.”
The Kenema bioweapons lab is the only testing centre for ebola in Sierra Leona and holds the highest number of victims. Tulane University conducts bioweapons research on behalf of the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID).
The move comes after nurses at Kenema hospital went on an indefinite strike on Monday following the death of three of their colleagues on Sunday.
The U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) has allegedly shown with animals that Ebola can be cured is given quickly enough. Given its involvement with Tulane in the current Ebola hoax occurring in Sierra Leone (see above), this appears to important means to get people trust untested, unknown vaccines that have been “rushed into production.’ Yet it is weaponized vaccines by a US bioweapons lab that appears to be what is killing people in hospitals in Africa. I
US attempts to kill with vaccines are quite real. This occurred at Tulane in conjunction with the CIA and the CIA has an Ebola laba in Africa where people are dying.
“Haslam believes the top secret experiments Sherman, Ferrie and Baker conducted in 1963 involved irradiating SV-40 virus with a linear accelerator, with the intention of a creating a biological warfare agent. Their hope was to create a mutated virus that would cause a “galloping cancer” that would kill its victim within weeks.”
So things are set to go, with a scary sounding virus “coming out of Africa” having been chosen, one that has supposedly killed over a 1000 people, Bush laws in place for martial law (the laws are described at the end of the article), FEMA concentration camps being declared quarantine centers.
Let us not forget three related medical facts.
1. The bioweapons lab at Fort Detrick was the source of the anthrax attack on the US.
2. The CDC which is linked to the Pentagon and has an ugly history, promoted Model State Emergency Health Powers legislation, Bush’s pandemic laws, and then put out stunningly false claims about swine flu infections in 2009 using 80-98% false data.
3. The 1918 flu was used by Bush as the scare tactic to install the pandemic laws. But the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) found no evidence of flu at all. From their press release on August 19, 2008:
“Bacteriologic and histopathologic results from published autopsy series clearly and consistently implicated secondary bacterial pneumonia caused by common upper respiratory–tract bacteria in most influenza fatalities.”
F. William Engdahl:
“The 20 to 40 million deaths worldwide from the great 1918 Influenza Pandemic were NOT due to ‘flu’ or a virus, but to pneumonia caused by massive bacterial infection.”
And it now appears that the elite’s pharmaceutical industry, through its vaccines http://www.salem-news.com/articles/april012011/1918-flu-jh.php and then aspirin http://foodfreedom.wordpress.com/2011/07/09/bayer-and-death-1918-and-aspirin/ was the killer. Those who used homeopathy http://foodfreedom.wordpress.com/2011/07/10/aspirin-killed-homeopathy-saved/ did well.
Vaccines From “Saying Goodbye to Fear of the 1918 flu” http://www.salem-news.com/articles/april012011/1918-flu-jh.php
“It was a shorter war than the vaccine-makers had planned on, only about a year for us, so the vaccine promoters had a lot of unused, spoiling vaccines left over which they wanted to sell at a good profit. So they did what they usually do, they called a meeting behind closed doors, and plotted the whole sordid program, a nationwide (worldwide) vaccination drive using all their vaccines, and telling the people that the soldiers were coming home with many dread diseases contracted in foreign countries and that it was the patriotic duty of every man, woman and child to get “protected” by rushing down to the vaccination centers and having all the shots. ….
“The doctors were baffled, and claimed they didnt know what caused the strange and deadly disease, and they certainly had no cure. They should have known the underlying cause was the vaccinations, because the same thing happened to the soldiers after they had their shots at camp. The typhoid fever shots caused a worse form of the disease which they called para-typhoid. Then they tried to suppress the symptoms of that one with a stronger vaccine which caused a still more serious disease which killed and disabled a great many men. The combination of all the poison vaccines fermenting together in the body, caused such violent reactions that they could not cope with the situation. Disaster ran rampant in the camps. Someof the military hospitals were filled with nothing but paralyzed soldiers [Guillaume Barre, as vaccines can cause?], and they were called war casualties, even before they left American soil. I talked to some of the survivors of that vaccine onslaught when theyre turned home after the war, and they told of the horrors, not of the war itself, and battles, but of the sickness at camp.
Aspirin From 1918 and Aspirin http://foodfreedom.wordpress.com/2011/07/09/bayer-and-death-1918-and-aspirin/
“I did not lose a single case of influenza; my death rate in the pneumonias was 2.1%. The salycilates, including aspirin and quinine, were almost the sole standbys of the old school and it was a common thing to hear them speaking of losing 60% of their pneumonias.”~Dudley A. Williams, MD, Providence, Rho
“Three hundred and fifty cases and lost one, a neglected pneumonia that came to me after she had taken one hundred grains of aspirin in twenty-four hours.”~Cora Smith King, MD, Washington, DC
Dr. Karen Starko:
“In summary, just before the 1918 death spike, aspirin was recommended in regimens now known to be potentially toxic and to cause pulmonary edema and may therefore have contributed to overall pandemic mortality and several of its mysteries. ….”
27 years after killing 20-40 million people and blaming it on a flu, this same pharmaceutical industry funded Hitler, ran the camps, and was responsible for 50-70 million more deaths. After the war, they (including their funder the Rockefellers) took control of the WHO and the UN now threatening the US with an identical script of a terrifying virus, only now they have created a weaponized vaccine for Ebola and come with military power. Though homeopathy was the saving method during the 1918 deaths and allopathic medicine and its synthetic drugs were deadly, the Rockefellers shut down homeopathy hospitals and set up the current drug based medical system under their control and for their profits.
Dr. David L. Edsall at one time was the Dean of the Harvard Medical School. The conditions he describes at Harvard are the same as those at every other medical school in America:
I was, for a period, a professor of therapeutics and pharmacology, and I knew from experience that students were obliged then by me and by others to learn about an interminable number of drugs, many of which were valueless, many of them useless, some probably, even harmful . . . Almost all subjects must be taken at exactly the same time, and in almost exactly in the same way by all students, and the amount introduced into each course is such that few students have time or energy to explore any subject in a spirit of independent interest. A little comparison shows that there is less intellectual freedom in the medical course than in almost any other form of professional education in this country.
Doctors within that system get their information from faked medical studies and are being manipulated by the pharmaceutical industry, which is inseparable from the elite.
But let us back up to now and why.
The day after the BRICS alliance (Brazil Russia India China) announced that they were setting up their own World Bank and IMF, thus undoing the total control and debt grip the Western banking system (including the Rockefellers) has had over the world, the elite responded with a massive attack on Gaza and the downing of the Malaysian aircraft in the Ukraine, coming within an hour of each other.
The elite are in trouble and they need this this phony pandemic because it gives them martial law which gives them …. everything. Literally, they would have ownership of everything in the US, including free human labor – slavery.
The elite (or Cabal) may have taken down a Malaysian plane (their second one this year) because its previous Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohammed, had the gall – or courage – to set up the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission focus on victims of abuse in Iraq, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories. The commission investigated and ultimately indicted (on 11 May 2012) Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and their legal advisers Alberto Gonzales, David Addington, William Haynes, Jay Bybee and John Yoo for war crimes.
The elite are counting on George W. Bush’s pandemic laws, inserted in US states following two other scripted lies – 9/11 and the anthrax scare – which would mean martial law if a pandemic “emergency” is declared. And they are counting on the public which trust almost nothing the government says now, having some trust left in the medical industry, not knowing its fascist roots and current fascist control by the Rockefellers and Pharma and Bill Gates. They still trust the WHO run by the Cabal, and the CDC though it helped concoct the current hoax, pushed the swine flu hoax and was involved inidesigning Bush’s totalitarian pandemic laws.
We as people have been led by left over wannabees from the Third Reich who have created laws intended to kill huge numbers of people here and enslave those left. They are on their way out but before they go, it would be good to expose this last big viciousness of theirs.
Share this post, tell your friends, do your own posting, let every medical person you can know that Ebola is coming out of bioweapons labs, it’s not all over the US and the pandemic laws which don’t even require a single sickness in an area.
Ebola in the US is hoax. Don’t be afraid. Don’t take any vaccines. Take Action.
Information on the Pandemic Laws
Within weeks after the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) began promoting health policy legislation that dramatically suspends civil rights during declared state of biological emergency. The text of the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (MSEHPA) gives public health officials and governors of the several states the power to arrest, transport, quarantine, drug and vaccinate anyone suspected of carrying a potentially infectious disease. The Boston Globe originally broke the October 31, 2001. The story was almost immediately forwarded to medical freedom activists throughout the country who responded en masse in outspoken opposition to the proposal. The article was quickly removed fromThe Globe’s website. http://farmwars.info/?p=1243
Under the proposed law, one case of smallpox or swine flu in a public school could trigger authorities to urge a governor to declare a state of emergency. Once such is declared, the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights and most cherished civil liberties will be immediately suspended in addition to states being empowered to take immediate possession of private property under the doctrine of eminent domain…
Under the Mandatory Medical Examinations section (502) of the law, persons refusing to submit to medical examinations and/or testing are liable for misdemeanors and forced isolation. If public health authorities suspect individuals may have been exposed to broadly defined infectious diseases, or otherwise pose a risk to public health, officials may issue detainment orders. In the case of an urban attack, or even one suspected, possibly thousands of people could be marshaled into isolation camps, according to the law. In this case, physicians, assisted by police, will be required to perform state medical examinations and tests. Under the law, “infectious diseases” are very broadly defined. “An infectious disease may, or may not, be transmissible from person to person, animal to person, or insect to person,” the authors explain in the text. Section 504 of the Act details vaccination and treatment protocols. Following these mandates, public health authorities may compel people to be inoculated and/or drugged with any medicaments selected by the state. Individuals refusing to be vaccinated or treated would be liable for a misdemeanor, subject to police arrest, isolation or quarantine. Section 807 repeals existing state laws that are in conflict with the Act.
Under this part, for instance, previous laws granting medical, religious, or philosophical exemptions to vaccination would be repealed. [Emphasis added.]
The laws do not depend on either a contagious disease being present or on proof of any emergency, only on the declaration of an emergency.
What accountability is there?
[Sections quoted below come from "Model Emergency Health Powers Act (MEHPA) Turns Governors into Dictators" by Joseph Mercola unless otherwise indicated.] If the State does more harm than good through unfettered use of its draconian power, it can rely on the state immunity clause: “Neither the State, its political subdivisions, nor, except in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct, the Governor, the public health authority, or any other State official referenced in this Act, is liable for the death of or any injury to persons, or damage to property, as a result of complying with or attempting to comply with this Act or any rule or regulations promulgated pursuant to this Act.” Article VIII Section 804. Note that the law would grant certain immunities even for deaths improperly caused, and allows such immunity even for advisors who made recommendations based on conflicts of interest.
Beginning first with the health side, and with more detail, the laws include forced diagnostic testing (unlimited in character), forced taking of bodily samples (unlimited as to what is taken), forced unknown, untested “medical” treatments, forced decontamination with unknown, untested chemicals, and forced unknown, untested vaccines. Pulled from any context of “emergency,” this comprises two things, description of forced medical experimentation on anyone in Wisconsin (or any other state) and criminal physical assault. Refusal can include imprisonment.
The laws overturn all exemptions for vaccines, even medical exemptions that were given to protect people allergic to them who would die if given them. The laws replaced long-standing constitutional public health laws that included the option to self-quarantine, the historic and most relied upon of public health options in an epidemic. Instead, quarantining would be forced and into public facilities if someone refuses to submit to intimate and potentially life-threatening physical assault. Under the CDC promoted state health power laws, quarantine is indistinguishable from imprisonment for not complying with forced medical procedures – procedures based on no proven medical emergency and not requiring an infectious disease even exist.
Anyone refusing these state-forced medical actions, could be herded together in detainment centers or prison, ideal setting for spreading disease and terrible settings for medical help if one becomes infected there.
Article V Section 504(b). Although it might in some circumstances be prudent and justified to quarantine a person who refuses immunization during an outbreak, it is tyrannical to criminalize the medical choice to decline a treatment. An immunization or treatment might well cause serious harm to certain individuals even if the public health authority does not recognize that it is “reasonably likely” to lead to “serious harm”-another two important undefined terms. Article V Section 504(a)(4). The Act gives the public health authority the right to isolate or quarantine a person on an ex parte court order, with no hearing for at least 72 hours. If the public health authority decides that an unvaccinated person is a risk to others, even if uninfected, he could be quarantined. Article V Section 503(e). It is quite possible that public health authorities could force such a person from his home to a place of quarantine, where he will be exposed to infected persons. Such places shall be maintained in a safe and hygienic manner “to the extent possible,” and “all reasonable means shall be taken to prevent the transmission of infection among isolated or quarantined individuals.” Article V Section 503(a). The Act itself thus implies that an uninfected person is at risk by being placed in such a facility; it is quite likely that he could be at greater risk than if he had the freedom to protect himself as he saw fit. It is assumed that public health authorities will be “reasonable”; however, this assumption is questionable.
How would the emergency that would trigger any of this be declared? How is it defined?
Declaring an Emergency: Under this Act, any Governor could appoint himself dictator by declaring a “public health emergency.” He doesn’t even have to consult anyone. The Act requires that he “shall consult with the public health authority,” but “nothing in the duty to consult … shall be construed to limit the Governor’s authority to act without such consultation when the situation calls for prompt and timely action.” The legislature is prohibited from intervening for 60 days, after which it may terminate the state of emergency only by a two-thirds vote of both chambers. (Apparently, it does not have the authority to find that the state of emergency never really existed.) Article III, Section 305(c). There is also the possibility that the Governor could declare a new emergency as soon as his powers were about to expire. What is a public health emergency? It is whatever the Governor decides it should be. By the definition in the Act, it could be an “occurrence”-or just an “imminent threat”-of basically any cause that involves a biological agent or biological toxin that poses a “substantial risk” of a “significant number” of human fatalities or disability. Article I, Section 104(g). Terrorism need not be involved; any threat of an epidemic would suffice…
What kind of power would the governor have? And under such a law, what limits could be placed on Governor Walker?
Unlimited Power: How would the Governor handle the emergency? By whatever means he chose. He is under no obligation to use scientifically valid methods, or to choose the least destructive method, or to perform any kind of risk-benefit analysis. He may suspend any regulatory statute, or the rules of any state agency, if they would “prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action.”Article III, Section 303(a)(1). Among the laws to be suspended would probably be those permitting religious, medical, or philosophical exemptions to mandatory vaccines. The Governor may not only utilize all the resources of the State and its political subdivisions, but commandeer any private facilities or resources considered necessary, and “take immediate possession thereof. Such materials and facilities include, but are not limited to, communication devices, carriers, real estate, fuels, food, clothing, and health care facilities.”
Taking possession of “communication devices, carriers, real estate, fuels, food, clothing, and health care facilities” describes martial law.
The governor, by such a law, would not be taking control of “communication devices” such as cell phones, but of all communications in the state. “Carriers” are all transportation, “real estate” is all property and land, “fuels” are all utilities as well as oil, gas, coal, water (used for hydro-electric power), private solar power, wind power, water power; “food” is all food in the state including farms, privately stored food, any businesses that produce or provide food; and “health care facilities” could include any place where they may assert that “health” measures are being taken, which could include prisons and detainment camps. (Why would clothing be listed?)
Doctors and health workers would be compelled to comply.
Article IV Section 402(a). He may “compel a health care facility to provide services,” but it is not clear what means he may use to compel its personnel to work
(Article IV Section 402(b)), except that any physician or other health care provider who refuses to perform medical examination or testing as directed shall be liable for a misdemeanor. Article V Section 502(b).
What of legislative laws and funding as an obstacle to putting any of this in place?
The Act grants Governors the exclusive power to control the expenditure of funds appropriated for emergencies; the intent and priorities set by the Legislature would be irrelevant.
What of constitutional protections in terms of elections and delegation of power?
The Governor may delegate powers at his sole discretion to unelected political appointees.
On the property side, the mere declaration that a building or property is contaminated would be grounds from destruction of the structure (including by burning) and the appropriation of land, specifically true of farmland, of which Wisconsin has some of the richest in the country.
The Governor may destroy any material or property “of which there is reasonable cause to believe that it may endanger the public health.” Article IV Section 401(b). And while the State shall pay just compensation to the owner of any facilities that are “lawfully taken” or appropriated (Article IV Section 406), there is a huge exception: [Emphasis added.]
“Compensation shall not be provided for facilities or materials that are closed, evacuated, decontaminated, or destroyed when there is reasonable cause to believe that they may endanger the public health pursuant to Section 401.” Article IV Section 406.
The Governor is in charge of determining “reasonable cause.” There is a strong incentive for him to declare any losses to private owners to be noncompensable.
“Reasonable cause” might mean “contaminated.” Is the Senate Hart Office Building contaminated with anthrax? Yes. Should it therefore be destroyed, or subjected to fumigation with chemicals that would destroy much of the equipment and furnishings? Most think not.
The problem is that given a sufficiently sensitive testing method, everything is probably “contaminated” with almost everything else. Moreover, every testing method has some level of false positives.
The late Conrad Chester of Oak Ridge National Laboratory stated that any place that has ever supported cattle has anthrax contamination (lecture before Doctors for Disaster Preparedness annual meeting, 1996). The same probably applies to any land that has supported sheep or goats, or any land that has had the wind deposit soil from such an area.
In other words, anthrax spores are probably ubiquitous, though at a concentration that very rarely causes any harm. Such harm as was done may have been misdiagnosed by physicians who were unfamiliar with anthrax and not specifically looking for it. [Anthrax is easily treated.]
Under this law, nothing would stop the Governor from ordering a citizen to turn over his house to be used as an isolation facility and later destroying the house on the grounds that it is contaminated [or from appropriating farmland, also on the grounds it is contaminated]. This order, like any other, could be enforced at gunpoint by any law enforcement officer.
The health power laws include seizure of arms.
…. the Act empowers the Governor to ration, fix prices, and otherwise control the allocation, sale, use, or transportation of any item as deemed “reasonable and necessary for emergency response.”
This specifically includes firearms. Article IV Section 402(c) and Section 405(b). Moreover, the Governor can simply seize such items.Article IV Section 402(a).
Rarely noted by those favoring gun control as a means for public safety, Gandhi condemned the seizure of arms as the most terrible thing the British did in their centuries of brutal rule in India.
“Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest.”
- Mahatma Gandhi (An Autobiography or The story of my experiments with truth, by M.K. Gandhi, p.238)
Bush put in place international and intersecting agreements around the War on Terror, a war that former National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski testified to the Senate that the war on terror is “a mythical historical narrative,” and one based on a potentially promulgated attack on the US. The Model State Emergency Health Power state laws also intersect with international agreements, most specifically with the WHO and UN and were put in place during Bush’s time in office.
One quote, allegedly from the WHO 2005 declaration around pandemics, gives some indication how (undefined) health authorities could urge governors to declare a pandemic emergency and of the potential danger such declaration (once again, with no definition or evidence of proof) could have on the future of the US.
“Under special pandemic plans enacted around the world including the USA, in 2005, national governments are to be dissolved in the event of a pandemic emergency and replaced by special crisis committees, which take charge of the health and security infrastructure of a country, and which are answerable to the WHO and EU in Europe and to the WHO and UN in North America.

As a side note, but one relevant to the forced vaccination of people in each state, a series of vaccines, including the H1N1 (much urged by the CDC onto pregnant women especially) contain the preferred ingredient in a patent on a “fertility damaging vaccine.” That ingredient, polysorbate 80, is known as a sterilizing agent. Until the patent was brought to light, suggesting it was meant to do harm would have been filed under conspiracy theory. But with the patent clearly designed to damage fertility and polysorbate 80 being preferred to accomplish that damage, its presence in any vaccine, especially those being mandated, becomes significant. It is some of the most controversial vaccines:
• in the H1N1 vaccine, though the pandemic was fake, and the CDC said the vaccine could maim or kill 30,000 people;
• in the flu vaccine (which contains the H1N1) being urged for the first time ever on the whole population, though the science shows it is ineffective (yet it comes with the same risk of maiming and death as the H1N1);
• the HPV vaccine (Gardasil) for young girls for cervical cancer though cervical doesn’t even occur until a woman is in her 30’s or 40s, is easy to catch early and treat, and the vaccine manufacturers say the vaccine only lasts 5 years so young girls would need to take it repeatedly. It is already maiming and killing girls here and there is push in some states (one presumes by the manufacturer, Merck, as they tried in Texas) to get it mandated; France and the UK are banning advertising of it and India, based on deaths, has banned it altogether;
• in the mandated HEP B vaccine for newborn babies, a vaccine meant for IV drug users and for people with sexually transmitted diseases. A newborn with an STD from its mother would need treatment, not a vaccine, and the vaccine would be unnecessary since an infant does do IV drugs or have sexual partners [According the head vaccine scientist at Merck, the Merck HEP vaccine for gay men caused the AIDS epidemic in the US and all their vaccines are filled with cancer and other viruses. Video of Maurice Hillerman's interview];
and other vaccines which are part of the mandated pediatric schedule. [All vaccines contain many unknown viruses which cannot be removed. Interview with Dr. Larry Palevsky.]
In all this, it is relevant to remember what FOIA in the UK reveal recently but had been hidden by the government – none of the vaccines work, they cause the very diseases they are meant to prevent, they have dangerous toxins in them in addition, and the vaccine industry (the ones driving the Ebola hoax and inseparable from banking and oil and wars) and the government colluded to hide this from the public so they would continue to submit their children to vaccination. The UK cover up, based on lies about vaccines’ value and stoked fear of diseases, must be remembered right now. It is the definitive truth about vaccines, via hidden government documents.http://mnhopkins.blogspot.com/2012/03/30-years-of-secret-official-transcripts.html
Can you expose this Ebola hoax?
US bioweapons lab in Sierra Leone at the epicentre of Ebola outbreak
Surprise! Ebola Outbreak Connected To Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and George Soros
The so friendly natural health guy ALWAYS challenges what is really going on with whatever the government does, Not this time. He seems in place for just this moment. Same with Alex Jones.
Dear NaturalNews readers,
We’ve got another exclusive breaking story for you today.
The U.S. government is desperately preparing for a massive Ebola pandemic outbreak across the USA.
Ebola detection equipment has been deployed to all 50 states, and the U.S. Dept. of Defense hhas awarded a $140m contract to a little-known pharma company conducting clinical trials on an Ebola treatment drug.
Meanwhile, infectious disease experts warn this outbreak may already be too widespread to control:http://www.naturalnews.com/046259_Ebola_outbreak_drug_treatments_Monsanto.html
You can see how dangerous the pandemic laws are here.
Wisconsin: The Governor Has Laws in Place to Rule as Dictator
This is martial law under cover of Ebola.
But the army showed in 2001 that Ebola is curable.
Are the wars in the Ukraine and Gaza to keep us fixated while the government is setting us up for martial law under pandemic emergency laws and using Ebola?
Who’s watching how fast this is moving toward us?
This has to be exposed FAST and stopped. People have to know that Soros and Gates are behind it with the CIA, and the vaccines are bioweapons.
The U.S. Is Quietly Establishing Ebola Quarantine Centers
Those will be FEMA camps. The article believes the lies and doesn’t know this is coming from bioweapons labs which are being protested in Africa because they are what’s killing people. How fast can this get out and people jump on it and start dissecting the truth of it?
How easy to pull in any activist, saying they are sick. They can then do anything to them. If they die, it’s because they were sick and it was too late or there’s no cure – which is untrue. Army said a few years ago that Ebola is curable.
Keenan just said they plan to kill over 268 million Americans. He thinks it would thermonuclear but it could be this, using chemicals (viruses wouldn’t do it, it’s the chemicals in the vaccines and the gases they would spray, all blamed on viruses.
How they would stage a bioterror event
Is there a single journalist covering this story and with the CIA and Soros connection? Or with the connection to the CDC’s 500,000 mega coffins?
Here comes their very hidden and very long planned (since a least 2001) false flag, leading immediately to “no travel, no assembling, quarantines, forced deadly vaccines.”
Can you see they are already in gear, and that this is occurring exactly as the world is focused elsewhere? And the CDC, which is Pentagon and evil and has suddenly mishandled a lot of deadly pathogens, has had 1/2 a million giant coffins stored outside Atlanta and others in other places around the country since at least 2001.
Wake up, they’re getting ready for martial law with this.
Just look at any of the pandemic laws Bush put in place – they include a take over of ALL transportation, communication, industries, food and farms, etc. And quarantine (People might not object to seeing 1000s taken off to FEMA camps if they believe it will protect themselves from Ebola or anthrax or MERS, etc.). It’s Martial law on “steroids.” Or unknown vaccines (the Nazis ALWAYS vaccinated when they took over, killing 45,000 in one place, 150,000 in another, with just one vaccine.)
Ebola virus is a ‘threat’ to UK says Philip Hammond, as Government calls emergency Cobra meeting in response to deadly disease
Pure Cabal.
In Bush’s own words.
‘At this moment, there is no pandemic influenza in the United States or the world. But if history is our guide, there is reason to be concerned. In the last century, our country and the world have been hit by three influenza pandemics — and viruses from birds contributed to all of them. The first, which struck in 1918, killed over half-a-million Americans and more than 20 million people across the globe…’”
In 1918, it wasn’t flu that killed 20-50 million people. It was the Cabal, first with vaccines (see link above) and then with aspirin (see link below).
Part 1:. 1918 and Aspirin
[Addendum: Monsanto was involved in the 1918 deaths. 1917: Bayer, The German competition cut prices in an effort to drive Monsanto out of business, but failed. Soon, Monsanto diversified into phenol (a World War I-era antiseptic), and aspirin when Bayer's German patent expired in 1917. Monsanto began making aspirin, and soon became the largest manufacturer world-wide.]
Part 2:. Aspirin Killed, Homeopathy Saved http://foodfreedom.wordpress.com/2011/07/10/aspirin-killed-homeopathy-saved/
Part 3:. Vaccines and CDC’s Myth of a 1918 Virus
Part 4:. Aspirin Deaths Continue Beyond 1918 http://foodfreedom.wordpress.com/2011/07/11/aspirin-deaths-continue-beyond-1918/
Part 5:. A New Set of Questions about 1918 and Bush’s Pandemic laws http://foodfreedom.wordpress.com/2011/07/11/a-new-set-of-questions-about-1918/
that the Ebola deaths are related to a CIA bioweapons lab and they want it for martial law.
Very interestingly, the Ukraine used an “emergency” over swine flu in 2009 to try to shut the country down stop elections, calling in the WHO and asking for NATO and others to come in. I believe a vote about NATO was on the table.
The big pin in the balloon – Ebola is curable. And the bigger pin – Vitamin C is an absolute viricde against all viruses. So they’ve taken down a direct link to important article on it. But it’s still there on other sites. Would you download the video below of Levy and of the NZ story? I have no means to. They’ve removed the short video before and it’s a great explanation of how to cure any disease. It’s the missing video in this article on how close we are to real health. http://yupfarming.blogspot.com/2010/10/dawn-of-new-medical-age-and-collapse-of.html
Jon Rappoport says that “…. with enough exposure before they happen, [they] can be stopped, or at least analyzed correctly when they occur.” From How to stage a bioterror event. http://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2014/05/18/how-they-would-stage-a-bioterror-event/
Here is some information on Ebola that is missing from mainstream media.
• http://birdflu666.wordpress.com/2014/07/24/sierra-leone-orders-us-bioweapons-lab-at-centre-of-ebola-outbreak-to-be-relocated-tulane-university-to-stop-ebola-testing/
• George Soros, his Ebola bioweapons lab and the death of WHO spokesperson Glenn Thomas in the Ukraine [It is just supposition about Thomas but valuable information about Soros being connected and the type of lab it is.] http://birdflu666.wordpress.com/2014/07/25/george-soros-ebola-and-the-death-of-who-spokesperson-glenn-thomas-in-the-ukraine/
• US bioweapons lab in Sierra Leone at the epicentre of Ebola outbreak
• http://birdflu666.wordpress.com/2014/07/08/us-bioweapons-lab-in-sierra-leone-at-the-epicentre-of-ebola-outbreak/
• WHO to take charge of Kenema bioweapons lab after riots
• https://birdflu666.wordpress.com/2014/07/28/police-guard-kenema-bioweapons-lab-as-who-assumes-control-west-africa-placed-on-grade-3-highest-emergency-response/
• Mainstream media push experimental Ebola vaccines
• https://birdflu666.wordpress.com/2014/07/28/mainstream-media-push-experimental-ebola-vaccines/
• Will the UK declare martial law soon over Ebola?
• https://birdflu666.wordpress.com/2014/07/30/will-the-uk-declare-martial-law-soon-over-ebola/
US quietly establishing Ebola quarantine centers [FEMA camps] http://investmentwatchblog.com/the-u-s-is-quietly-establishing-ebola-quarantine-centers/
What mainstream media especially isn’t saying as they hype fear is that the army has known since 2001 that Ebola is curable.
Vitamin C alone is absolute viricide which could easily handle Ebola (or any virus, with no need to match to type) and was curing polio in 1949 but the pharmaceutical industry was preparing the profit making polio vaccines. And people can take a new oral vitamin C (lipospheric) at home. http://www.vitamincfoundation.org/lipo.shtml Levy says it’s even better than IV and the FDA has done all it can to remove the IV possibilities.https://jhaines6.wordpress.com/2014/06/25/do-not-fail-to-read-a-follow-up-to-the-flu-is-not-the-flu-the-public-needs-to-what-the-fda-has-been-doing-to-ban-the-production-of-essential-iv-solutions-and-to-shut-down-compounding-pharma/
Scroll down to the article by Robert Landwehr
To understand why it can be so effective, watch this short professional presentation at a cancer convention that is rather amazing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e07P6rj2Xx8
Here is a powerpoint on how many diseases it has been proven in double blind studies to have cured.http://www.peakenergy.com/downloads/VC.NZ.Sept.2010.pdf
Here is absolute proof of its effectiveness. The of the medical authorities is interesting. This cure is certain and costs almost nothing but that is the problem. http://www.3news.co.nz/Living-Proof-Vitamin-C—Miracle-Cure/tabid/309/articleID/171328/Default.aspx
And here is a great lecture Levy gave to medical professionals (though anyone can understand it) about all it can do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpptUsJFCEY It offers an excellent overview and includes a powerpoint http://www.peakenergy.com/downloads/VC.NZ.Sept.2010.pdf
The context is entirely political (and financial). Ebola offers martial laws (and more billions) just as George Bush, the Rockefellers (who have major control over the WHO and UN), Soros and other elite who have been responsible for wars and concocted uprisings for years (and for the whole world’s debt) will soon be facing arrest for criminal activities and war crimes. They and hundreds of others are already listed on a No Fly Accord that’s been signed by 140 nations so far. https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/groupkltd.com/NoFlyAccords.pdf
The US government/military has used disease scares politically before. http://www.globalresearch.ca/fort-detrick-scientist-commits-suicide-as-anthrax-investigation-closes-in/9730
Another blatant instance was in 2009, when the WHO shut down things in the Ukraine over swine flu (just as mild there as here) as people were preparing to vote to reject NATO. (“…. President Viktor Yushchenko said thousands of people were infected and called for assistance from NATO, the European Commission, the United States, Russia and other countries.” This was as fear-mongering and bogus as here.)
The CDC is Pentagon connected. See “What’s wrong with the CDC?”http://salem-news.com/articles/may132011/cdc-wrong-bw.php
So, it’s important that people, especially in health fields, have this background. People should be reaching every medical person or public health person they can. Ebola is curable and if we stop this hoax, we won’t let them escape from the arrests that are finally coming for those who have driven the world to war so many times.
Here comes their very hidden and very long planned (since a least 2001) false flag, leading immediately to “no travel, no assembling, quarantines, forced deadly vaccines.”
Can you see they are already in gear, and that this is occurring exactly as the world is focused elsewhere? And the CDC, which is Pentagon and evil and has suddenly mishandled a lot of deadly pathogens, has had 1/2 a million giant coffins stored outside Atlanta and others in other places around the country since at least 2001.

Wake up, they’re getting ready for martial law with this.
Just look at any of the pandemic laws Bush put in place – they include a take over of ALL transportation, communication, industries, food and farms, etc. And quarantine (People might not object to seeing 1000s taken off to FEMA camps if they believe it will protect themselves from Ebola or anthrax or MERS, etc.). It’s Martial law on “steroids.” Or unknown vaccines (the Nazis ALWAYS vaccinated when they took over, killing 45,000 in one place, 150,000 in another, with just one vaccine.)
Ebola virus is a ‘threat’ to UK says Philip Hammond, as Government calls emergency Cobra meeting in response to deadly disease
Pure Cabal.
Surprise! Ebola Outbreak Connected To Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and George Soros
In Bush’s own words.
‘At this moment, there is no pandemic influenza in the United States or the world. But if history is our guide, there is reason to be concerned. In the last century, our country and the world have been hit by three influenza pandemics — and viruses from birds contributed to all of them. The first, which struck in 1918, killed over half-a-million Americans and more than 20 million people across the globe…’”
In 1918, it wasn’t flu that killed 20-50 million people. It was the Cabal, first with vaccines (see link above) and then with aspirin (see link below).
Part 1:. 1918 and Aspirin
[Addendum: Monsanto was involved in the 1918 deaths. 1917: Bayer, The German competition cut prices in an effort to drive Monsanto out of business, but failed. Soon, Monsanto diversified into phenol (a World War I-era antiseptic), and aspirin when Bayer's German patent expired in 1917. Monsanto began making aspirin, and soon became the largest manufacturer world-wide.]
Part 2:. Aspirin Killed, Homeopathy Saved http://foodfreedom.wordpress.com/2011/07/10/aspirin-killed-homeopathy-saved/
Part 3:. Vaccines and CDC’s Myth of a 1918 Virus
Part 4:. Aspirin Deaths Continue Beyond 1918 http://foodfreedom.wordpress.com/2011/07/11/aspirin-deaths-continue-beyond-1918/
Part 5:. A New Set of Questions about 1918 and Bush’s Pandemic laws http://foodfreedom.wordpress.com/2011/07/11/a-new-set-of-questions-about-1918/
Anne SullivanJul 30 (2 days ago) to Cosmic, bcc: me
Keenan just said they plan to kill over 250 million Americans. He thinks it would thermonuclear but it could be this, using chemicals (viruses wouldn’t do it, it’s the chemicals in the vaccines and the gases they would spray, all blamed on viruses.
How they would stage a bioterror event
Anne SullivanJul 30 (2 days ago) to Cosmic, bcc: me
Sometimes one hates to seeing things.
This has to be exposed FAST. People have to know that Soros and Gates are behind it and the CIA and the vaccines are bioweapons.
The U.S. Is Quietly Establishing Ebola Quarantine Centers
Those will be FEMA camps. The article believes the lies and doesn’t know this is coming from bioweapons labs which are being protested in Africa because they are what’s killing people. How fast can this get out and people jump on it and start dissecting the truth of it?
How easy to pull in any activist, saying they are sick. They can then do anything to them. If they die, it’s because they were sick and it was too late or there’s no cure – which is untrue. Army said a few years ago that Ebola is curable.
Keenan just said they plan to kill over 268 million Americans. He thinks it would thermonuclear but it could be this, using chemicals (viruses wouldn’t do it, it’s the chemicals in the vaccines and the gases they would spray, all blamed on viruses.
How they would stage a bioterror event
Is there a single journalist covering this story and with the CIA and Soros connection? Or with the connection to the CDC’s 500,000 mega coffins?
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