US Patent 3,951,134 Apparatus and Method for Remotely Monitoring and Altering Brain Waves
This patent was filed August 5, 1974 by inventor Robert G. Malech of
Plainview, NY. The patent itself describes a method to monitor and
activate brain activity using directed electromagnetic radiation without
the use of local sensors. It indicates that by altering the scan angle
and direction of the antennas any region of the brain can be targeted.
Since the patent was granted April 20, 1976 it is likely that the
spatial resolution and decoding capabilities were minimal at best as the
computational resources requisite for such operation, outside the
classified realm, were limited at this time.

US Patent 3,951,134

US Patent 3,951,134
The present invention relates to apparatus and a method for monitoring brain waves wherein all components of the apparatus employed are remote from the test subject. More specifically, high frequency transmitters are operated to radiate electromagnetic energy of different frequencies through antennas which are capable of scanning the entire brain of the test subject or any desired region thereof. The signals of different frequencies penetrate the skull of the subject and impinge upon the brain where they mix to yield an interference wave modulated by radiations from the brain's natural electrical activity. The modulated interference wave is re-transmitted by the brain and received by an antenna at a remote station where it is demodulated, and processed to provide a profile of the suject's brain waves. In addition to passively monitoring his brain waves, the subject's neurological processes may be affected by transmitting to his brain, through a transmitter, compensating signals. The latter signals can be derived from the received and processed brain waves.

Activation of Human Behavior By Remote Means

Dr. Colin Ross "describes the longstanding relationship between intelligence agencies, the military, psychiatry and psychology in Mind Control experiments on unwitting subjects, including use of LSD, psychiatric drugs, radiation, brain electrode implants, hypnosis, verified through government documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)."
The US government has been researching psychoactive drugs as tools for
mind control since at least 1942 around the time the OSS was formed (Psychoactives, War, and Covert Operations Timeline).
I can relate from my experience that the government is now able to
remotely induce alternate realities using drugs, hypnosis and
high-stress psychological abuse such as psychic driving. During the peak
of my awakening phase I went through what could best be described as
acute brainwashing. The following passage from Psychoanalytic Quarterly,
27:612-613 (1958) describes the process of psychic driving:
Playing back to the patient, by means of tape recordings, important parts of therapy sessions has proved valuable in treatment. The procedure consists of insuring extended and repeated reaction by the patient to his own verbal cues ('autopsychic driving') or cues verbalized by the therapist, but based on the patient's psychodynamics ('heteropsychic driving'). Since this compels a continued response within a field largely limited by the cue material, it has been termed 'psychic driving'. Selection of a satisfactory key statement for psychic driving requires awareness of the patient's major problems. Autopsychic driving has as its primary value the penetration of defenses, elicitation of hitherto inaccessible material, and the setting up of a dynamic implant. Its purpose is usually achieved within thirty minutes of driving. Heteropsychic driving is best carried on over extended periods (ten to twelve hours daily in hospitalized patients or during sleep). Its primary uses are changing of attitudes and setting up a dynamic implant.In reference to the psychic driving messages, Dominic Streatfeild author of "Brainwash: The Secret History of Mind Control" writes:
Psychic driving has been used in many ways: with pillow and ceiling microphones, presentation of the same theme in different ways, isolation of patient, etc. Purely mechanical variations seem of little importance. The responses to psychic driving include immediately constructive reactions, partial blocking, rejection and later acceptance, and rejection and escape, among others. By this method, the patient is shielded from the full implication of his own verbal communications. The voice sounds different. One's own voice is heard ordinarily as a synthesis of air and tissue conduction. Defense against hearing what one does not wish to hear is organized against the synthesis of tissue and air conduction. In psychic driving, tissue conduction is eliminated and thus there is a new situation against which defenses have not been organized. This breakdown in the shielding occasioned by elimination of tissue conduction is one of the basic reasons why driving is effective in penetrating defenses and in enlarging the area of the patient's communication, both to himself and to others. The patient is able to understand more of his communication when it is driven than when he hears it for the first time because of the differences in talking and listening. As the driving circuit is played back repeatedly, both patient and therapist hear more and react more extensively.
Driving (driven material) is verbalization of a part of a community of action tendencies, with reference, for example, to the relationship to the mother, to self-assertion, or to sexual experiences. The reheard verbalizations constitute a cue which will set the particular community of action tendencies into operation, and not any others. In ordinary therapy the patient tends to move away from a painful area; in psychic driving he is unable to do so. The endless repetition confines him to a continuous reactivation of the particular community of concepts.
There are continuing effects of psychic driving. Striking continuously at a given community of action tendencies produces intensification of the individual's behavior. He becomes tense or anxious and this provides the persistent driving force of the implant. Efforts at freeing himself from this intensification cause continuous reactivation of the area concerned and thus further recoganization of the area is brought about. Psychic driving invariably produces responses which tend ultimately to be therapeutic.
The messages were varied. Initially it was deemed best that the patients were played recordings of their own voices ('autopsychic driving') but when they found this unsettling, Cameron and his staff recorded suitable messages for them ('heteropsychic driving'). Then the technique was honed further. 'He had what he called a negative tape,' recalls Roper, 'which was, "There's something wrong with you, nobody likes you. You've got serious problems." Then there was a positive one. "People like you. You like people." He had a programme where he would sometimes play the negative tape first and then the positive one.'In my case markedly more disturbing phrases from a variety of different voices (including my own) have been used as well as visual and vocal thought insertions and body overlays which at times felt like I was being possessed. The communications enveloped different scenarios putting me in a state of flux as to what was happening.
Global Brain
Dharmendra Modha remarks on IBM's cognitive computing initiative funded
as part of DARPA’s Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable
Electronics (SyNAPSE):
It may be that in future society nanobots will be used for high-resolution in situ brain monitoring and communication through something like 'global brain'. However, I tend to believe that implants are unnecessary for neural monitoring since it would mean that every synchronistic human event I have experienced was due to a select portion of people having nanorobotic implants. This would be unlikely if they are expensive and difficult to install on a wide scale. Neural implants themselves have been in use since the 1950s from rudimentary devices such as José Delgado's stimoceiver to modern-day electrode chips such as BrainGate.
So the quest is cognitive computing which is about engineering aspects of mind such as emotion, perception, sensation, cognition, emotion, action, interaction by reverse engineering the brain and then to deploy this technology by connecting it to vast array of sensors, billions trillions of sensors such as sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell but even going further to non-biological sensors, sensors for example monitoring the forest, sensors monitoring the oceans, sensor moni... sensors monitoring people, animals, organizations, homes, cars and to stream this vast amount of data in real-time or near real-time to global brain that can extract patterns, large scale invariant patterns from the sensory overload and to act and respond to this dataIt should be noted that remote sensing can be used for monitoring purposes in addition to in situ sensors such as telemetry implants.
It may be that in future society nanobots will be used for high-resolution in situ brain monitoring and communication through something like 'global brain'. However, I tend to believe that implants are unnecessary for neural monitoring since it would mean that every synchronistic human event I have experienced was due to a select portion of people having nanorobotic implants. This would be unlikely if they are expensive and difficult to install on a wide scale. Neural implants themselves have been in use since the 1950s from rudimentary devices such as José Delgado's stimoceiver to modern-day electrode chips such as BrainGate.
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