By Lou Saboter
I am putting this together to document the shutdown and apparent coverup (and even coverup of coverup) occurring mainly on Twitter, with heavy input from the police and possibly JTRIG operators.
Anonymous, responding to an increasingly popular distrust of the mainstream media, appears to be gaining ever more credibility in situations involving police and the state.
FIRST part-- TheAnonMessage put out information on a Bryan Willman, claiming he was the killer of Michael Brown, an 18 year citizen shot on August 9th. Another citizen was also killed, name pending, at a nearby vicinity on the same day.
If this isn't the guy, it's a rather elaborate setup--for what?
Awaiting more details...
Ferguson police local wiki.
It was noted that the former police chief, Tim Fitch, was trained in Israel to deal with "terrorists" (like you and me, journalists, and people with cameras).
Tim Fitch's blog implies that this may have precipitated his resignation (perhaps due to being an Oathkeeper).
Soon enough TheAnonMessage was shut down--this conversation relates--
Apparently, dispensing info on a figure who is a public figure is illegal?
This other Anonymous twitter profile, that was not shut down by the state, issued refutations about TheAnonMessage
12:34 PM TheAnonMessage2 emerged--full blown discourse war!
With all the games the government plays online, you have to wonder if Bryan Willman could be an invention. His Twitter profile is thin, and background is hard to dig up. Great way to wreck credibility of alternate media agents.
This is interesting.
Of course, soon enough this "random civilian" won't exist at all, at this rate. Despite his gun nut and police friends on Twitter...
St. Louis PD claims Bryan Willman isn't even known by them--
Random citizen.
TheAnonMessage also pointed out that Chief Tim Fitch had had training in Israel, and he also has this blog making a big to-do about his retirement.
Here is current police chief of St. Louis.
8/14/2014 -- 2:00 pm...Start discussing Michael Brown at 11:26 -- Police Dispatch Recording.
More good stats and points.
St. Louis County Police Department drops out.
2:42 pm
Like in Albuquerque, the Feds take over.
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