Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Angry Old Kike at Best Buy Calls Me a Terrorist

By Lou Saboter

I got a personal taste of Talmudic hate today at Best  Buy.

I went there to purchase some dusters for my computer, and was wearing a t-shirt that says, "FREE PALESTINE."

An old man I had barely noticed said from the corner of my eye, "What does that t-shirt mean?"

His tone was very accusatory, and I didn't appreciate it. I shot back,"It means Israel sucks."

"You suck," he spat.

I flipped him the bird, at which he chased me down an aisle.
"Flip me the bird again. I dare you."
So, I flipped him the bird again.
"Who do you think you are?" he asked, getting in my face.
"Well,  I think the Jews are the sons of the Devil."
"Let me tell you who I am."
With a face contorted with Shoah rage, he pulled down his shirt revealed a Star of David necklace.
"Ah. Then you are a son of the Devil."
I went on my merry way again, but he continued to follow me and jump in front of me as I looked around for a duster or a customer service agent.
"You little punk. You think an old man can't shut you up."
"I'm a son of Yahweh," I informed him.
"You're a TERRORIST," he exclaimed loudly, causing patrons to turn their heads in concern.
"Israel is the terrorist."
I chuckled and walked away. At this point, he was apoplectic. He seemed to have lost his mind, and began telling random customers "Get him out of the store! Get him out of the store!"
It was almost a complete Jew chimpout. The first I had witnessed up close in some time. So confrontational, these Serpent Seeds. Some of the negro employees seemed convinced I was a terrorist, as the Jew media has been recently telling them all whites are since the Dylann Storm Roof event.
Of course, since he was an older devil kin, physical confrontation was out of the question. If he had hit me, I would have turned the other cheek. Otherwise, I'd be the next big anti-white news item.
Luckily, he didn't totally sabotage my shopping, and I managed to make my purchase. No DHS agents came bursting in or anything.
However, when I exited, the crazed Jew was stalking about the parking lot, watching me. Perhaps he took down my license plate number and will pass it on to the JDL, another terrorist group. Who knows.
The moral seems to be that Jews can't even abide free speech on a t-shirt. My recommendation is to wear t-shirts that piss off Jews as often as possible for the good of mankind.

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