I'm borrowing their blog entry just to keep a running log of the events.
Such was the confusion, that Rt.com ran the story of Bryan Willman at first.
was released as the official shooter. However, discussions about Darren Wilson's actual name being Darren Obrien ran for some time after that among Anonymous groups.
This message is intended for #Anonymous collective participants, it’s followers, and supporters.
During #OpFergusion, the Anon known as @TheAnonMessage released an incorrect d0x of the Michael Brown shooter.
d0x targeted and individual know as Bryan Willman. We are publishing
the logs and commenting on them to show that this was the work of an
Anon who was acting against the advice of others.
@TheAnonMessage knew his d0x was likely incorrect
but he still released the information. He called a quick vote on #vote
early in the morning at 8 a.m. when very few people were around and
despite objections.
This is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
Bryan’s Willman’s life was put in danger and the whole operation was
jeopardised by a hasty decision and serious lack of judgment.
If you read the following tweet you will see that we tried to prevent this situation, but failed.
Those tweets show that @TheAnonMessage thought by releasing an innoncent name it would force the police to reveal the real shooter names, and therefor was a good decision.
Also @TheAnonMessage is known to have acted erratically for a long time and is disliked by a lot of other Anons. Here are some samples from Twitter.
The following chat logs come from Cyberguerrilla’s IRC channel
#OpFerguson on Thursday 14.08.2014. They will show how @TheAnonMessage’s
irresponsibly used critical information. @TheAnonMessage did not verify
if he had the right shooter and he even took credit for a d0x which
was not his own. He started the claim without sound information also
expressed no worries about being wrong.
We think that
“Anonymous|11057” is @TheAnonMessage for various reasons. We know how he
thinks and chats, and we can smell him from miles. Also
“Anonymous|11057” is the only user who made the claim his d0x was
correct, and he displayed a similiar writing style. Crucially, both
users never expressed any worries in releasing the dox.
In order to make the logs easier to read, we are quoting experts
and ew are marking the significant logs, but you can still access the
complete logs
The chat logs have been verified by:
-Doemela, Admin of Cyberguerrilla IRC, appearing as “Doemela”
-katanon, channel operator, appearing as “katanon”
-geekmasterflash, channel operator, appearing as “geekmasterflash”
-Pharaoh -one of the doxers-, appearing as “Pharaoh”
-Canaan -one of the doxers-, appearing as “Canaan”
-Garfield, appearing as Garfield
Questions or any more leaks? You can find me on twitter @Crypt0nymous, email at crypt0nymous@riseup.net
(04:45:08 AM) Anonymous|11057: i think that this guy is the real deal. no joke.
(04:45:20 AM) tx: 11057 - you mean bryan willman right?
(04:45:39 AM) Anonymous|11057: yes tx, i’d be comfortable saying bryan willman
(04:45:57 AM) geekmaterflash: Anonymous|11057, walk me through your logic there.
(04:46:05 AM) Anonymous|11057: okay
AM) Anonymous|11057: so we’ve got a guy with a police background that
was arested for theft from a quik cash in 2008 served at his place of
(04:47:21 AM) geekmaterflash: Anonymous|11057, Theft is a felony. Felons can’t be police.
one operator on the irc channel, questioned Anonymous|11057 -the
creator of this theory- regarding which evidence he has.
(04:56:39 AM) TheAnonMessage: tired af, see yall in a few hours, night
(05:50:12 AM) Anonymous|11057: WILLMAN , BRYAN P , Respondent
(05:50:13 AM) Anonymous|11057: *CENSORED*
(05:50:13 AM) Anonymous|11057: *CENSORED*
(05:50:22 AM) TheAnonMessage: 11057 oh shit
(05:50:37 AM) Anonymous|11057: fair statement UK, we;ll try our best to give you a real story
(05:50:38 AM) TheAnonMessage: that checks out with scooby willman
(05:51:11 AM) TheAnonMessage: i have his facebook, unless you guys already have that
AM) Anonymous|11057: recorded press interview with PD asking for a
response to allegation that bryan willman is the murderer?
(05:51:56 AM) TheAnonMessage: im getting a dox together
(05:52:01 AM) TheAnonMessage: slow down yall XD
who was supposed to be asleep for “a few hours” instead of 54 minutes
responds in 9 seconds to the release of personal information by
“Anonymous|11057”. Important, the writing style of “Anonymous|11057”
and TheAnonMessage’s on Twitter are very very similar.
(05:56:15 AM) Anonymous|2252: anon should attend…
(05:56:23 AM) Anonymous|11057: theyre not going to release the name
doesn’t believe in the FPD announcement which was actually true. So he
just needed to wait 24 hours instead of risking the life on an
innocent and not involved citizen.
(06:12:53 AM) TheAnonMessage: NAME: WILLMAN, BRYAN P. , Respondent
(06:12:54 AM) TheAnonMessage: ADDRESS: *CENSORED*
(06:12:54 AM) TheAnonMessage: DOB: *CENSORED*
(06:12:54 AM) TheAnonMessage: Family Members:
(06:12:54 AM) TheAnonMessage: Brandon Willman
(06:12:54 AM) TheAnonMessage: Stuart Willman
(06:12:54 AM) TheAnonMessage: Tammy Herndon
(06:12:54 AM) TheAnonMessage: Kathie Warnack
(06:12:54 AM) TheAnonMessage: Debbie Funke
(06:12:56 AM) TheAnonMessage: Stuart Lavern Willman
TheAnonMessage released collected
information on Bryan William, which he obtained from mainly from tx,
Pharaoh and Canaan who were the only ones in researching and doxing at
that time.
-(06:15:03 AM) Intangir: Willman isn’t on the list
-(06:16:28 AM) Canaan: Willman’s not on there
2 of the main involved doxers/researchers confirmed
that Willman is not on the Ferguson Police Department list of personel.
At the 6:25 AM TheAnonMessage took credit for the 2nd dox on Belmar,
which was originally made by the doxers on the channel.
-(06:33:28 AM) TheAnonMessage: i hope to god twitter doesnt suspend me lmfao
-(06:34:52 AM) TheAnonMessage: #RIPBryanWillman
AM) Anonymous|2252: Please be sure… like i said it’s not just about a
mans life, Anon can easily be turned on by the public if something
truly unjust comes of this. It’s as much about Anon’s reputation as
Scoobys life/livelihood
AM) Anonymous|11057: solid facts are hard to come by in this case.
We’re working on the best data available to us, and that does include
behavioral data.
AM) Anonymous|2252: that’s fine, if that’s the case just make that
clear, i don’t know how you intend to make this public, with a video or
just text content, but if there are any aspects anon is unsure about
declare it, the public can provide more info if they know the info you
AM) Anonymous|11057: ergo, we’re doing everything in our power to be
certain. If we are wrong, it will out before we post this, yes guys?
due diligence and all
-(06:56:45 AM) Anonymous|2252: anonmessage, i think a cohesive submission should be made
between “Anonymous|11057” and “Anonymous|2252” (UK-Journalist) about
talking about the degree of fastness of the situation. Here we are
moving towards the first annoucement via TheAnonMessage twitter
account, voting for the release took place in this IRC channel, 7-8
people of ~ 80 users participated.
-(07:01:02 AM) Anonymous|3549: @gs we still don’t have a confirmation that bry is even on PD
-(07:01:30 AM) Intangir: tensions are high enough right now where there is a slim chance someone might care enough to kill him
again two users are asking and worried about the releasing of
information, even that no proof has been found that Bryan works for the
Ferguson Police Department.
(07:29:49 AM) Cry [51596058@CgAn-sjf.0lt.dmkgld.IP] entered the room.
AM) Anonymous|11057: the only real way to get a confirmation would be
an eyewitness report from the scene of the crime. otherwise it’s
hearsay and shillery
(07:30:23 AM) Anonymous|11057: the fastest way to eliminate a suspect is to call him a suspect…
(07:30:36 AM) Anonymous|11057: mabe not the best tx, but the fastest
(07:30:43 AM) Cry: So who thinks it is White?
(07:30:50 AM) Anonymous|11057: White?
(07:30:56 AM) Cry: Micheal White?
(07:31:12 AM) Anonymous|11057: did i miss something…
(07:31:25 AM) Cry: looks like rumors going around, names going around.
(07:31:50 AM) Cry: Yeah, I think kind of too. I searched a bit, I found 2 names. No sure who it really is.
AM) Anonymous|11057: ah, the ‘first’ identified shooter, right, that
wasn’t researched at all… this at least has human beings discussing it
with the real fact that this mans life may hang in the balance…
(07:32:45 AM) Anonymous|11057: we are all terrified of being unjust, but the pegs keep fitting in the holes…
AM) Cry: I would not suggest the core group of opferguson the release
any name, once we hit the wrong person. oh boy shit is gonna gegt hot
(07:33:06 AM) Cry: would turn into lynch
(07:33:15 AM) Anonymous|11057: that’s why it’s another 30 mins before its released.
(07:33:27 AM) Anonymous|11057: i want to see *any* sign pointing away from him.
(07:33:36 AM) Anonymous|11057: this includes the St ann website link connex
(07:33:37 AM) TheAnonMessage: T-25
(07:33:43 AM) Cry: who gonna release what?
(07:33:57 AM) TheAnonMessage: voting will happen 5 minutes before
(07:34:03 AM) Anonymous|11057: i don’t either, he’s very likely under house arrest or under confinement at this point
(07:34:08 AM) Anonymous|3549: ^agree
(07:34:10 AM) Cry: lol, thats not poker guys. voting lol
(07:34:15 AM) TheAnonMessage: unanimous
(07:34:31 AM) Cry: you know the whole op is down if you even have the wrong first or last name
(07:34:49 AM) Cry: more than down, other anons would d0x yoi.
(07:34:52 AM) Cry: lol
(07:35:02 AM) Cry: i hope the core doesnt hop in that shit
(07:35:13 AM) Anonymous|Free: We cant keek going back and forth
AM) Cry: i talked with several other guys yesterday involved in doxing
the whole pd, they have 2 different names and pics of the offc
(07:35:47 AM) Cry: once you go back here, you fucked. you can never go forth
AM) Anonymous|11057: I’m not worried about getting doxed. I can handle
the heat, i’d just rather not if i don’t have to. If this turns out
wrong TheAnonMessage will get a tweet from me taking full
responsibility for the leak.
I said, I (“Cry”) joined the IRC and talked about the things you can
see above. Important to realize now that “Anonymous|11057” takes credit
if they failed, what they did. Why so risky? Everyone Anon knows that
TheAnonMessage is someone who seeks attention from the mainstream
media. For example after the first tweet in that night he also tweeted
an email for journalists, probably to get credit. His account grew from
15.000 followers up to ~ 90.000 followers during this operation. He didn’t expected that Twitter could suspend his account, because no account was suspended so far for any dox.
(08:09:06 AM) Anonymous|3549: @OpFerguson should RT
(08:09:11 AM) TheAnonMessage: *deep breath*
AM) TheAnonMessage: @OpFerguson said he believes that wasnt the name
of the officer and he has several possibilities that werent them
TheAnonMessage stated that the core group leading the Op, denied to release any name due unstable evidence.
AM) Anonymous|11057: simply put, we realesed the name, we have his
picture, we have documents, we want the PD to respond to our
allegations, and either confirm our findings so this can be laid to
rest, or some out with the name of the real killer. one way or the
(08:25:30 AM) Anonymous|42003: I go on in the 9a hour
has been verified as Laurie Segall from CNN, who went on air the same
day, joined the chat at 08:17:50 AM. TheAnonMessage loses the
connection with the IRC at 08:20:26 AM. "Anonymous|11057" releases a
statement at 08:23:38 AM. Possible that TheAnonMessage is
"Anonymous|11057", because actually the same statement went on air on CNN.
Here are some more facts regarding TheAnonMessage and how he publishes crazy stories about himself simply to get attention.
- 18 of 22 videos have been copied from others, 4 low quality videos
TheAnonMessage, you wanted attention? I think you have more than you ever wanted. We are all watching you.
Before you comment on this, be a man and tell Kathie Warnack, the stepmother of Bryan William, that you did this shit.
we said that we gonna risk a lot, -our- lives, -our- freedoms and
-our- families, but not the life of an innocent and not involved
All chat logs:
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