Monday, July 13, 2015


 With any luck, large sections of the public are beginning to understand the true communist nature of the Jew-funded "Black Lives Matter"  movement. If not, consider this:




DEAD PEOPLE ARE RACIST: City Council Digs Up Graves of Confederate General and Wife

This is just getting out of control now.
Late Tuesday, the Memphis, Tennessee, City Council voted unanimously to dig up the remains of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife, Talking Points Memo reported Wednesday. The council also voted to remove a statue placed in Forrest’s honor. The move came after Mayor A.C. Wharton called for the bodies to be dug up and relocated.
Tuesday’s vote is not the end of the story, however. According to WREG, the Chancery Court would also have to approve the removal of the remains and Forrest’s family would also be involved in the decision.
Forrest and his wife are currently buried beneath a statute honoring the general in a park which had been named after him until two years ago. The park is now known as Memphis’ Health Sciences Park.

Officials with Elmwood Cemetery — the location of Forrest’s original resting place — said they would be willing to help move the remains but said they did not want to become the new home of the statue. It is not known where the statue would go if the Tennessee Historic Commission approves its removal. The commission is not set to meet before October.

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